
Dutch website update

After several years without translating the content of this website into Dutch, we are very thankful that we have found a new translator. We have been working on updating the Dutch content and by now all content concerning the Kisarawe School Project has been translated.

We are aware that there are parts of the Dutch page that still need to be updated and are hoping to fix those issues within the next few weeks. If you are a Dutch native speaker, you are very welcome to join us on the Dutch version of our website.

Volunteering in Tanzania

Andrea Laurita, an American journalist, who now focuses on film and photography, visited True Grasses Tanzania Office and spent one week with us. While visiting, she volunteered her skills, and did some filming and photographing the work of True Grasses.

Her focus was to look at the day to day hardships African village families, especially girls and women go through, looking for water. The film will be used to create awareness and help raise funds to dig a well for the villages of Kisarawe. You can see her work on her FB page. Once the video is available we will share it online on the True Grasses website and invite you to join us to see the lives of girls changed and communities empowered through education.

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De Noabershop

Last year, the Noabershop in Assen opened as the first of its kind in the Netherlands. This small but unique shop is part of a non-profit organization and is run by volunteers. Products offered are hand-crafted and made with passion by locals. The word 'Noaber' can be translated into 'neighbor' and represents the motto: We help each other. Visitors can come for a cup of coffee, to exchange books free of charge or just for a chat. On Fridays and Saturdays deliciaous Malaysian food and once a month breakfast are provided.

Supporters of True Grasses have rented a table where they offer homemade cards and a selection of gifts. Additionally you can purchase bags and jewelry from East Africa. This is one of the ways to collect money to sponsor the work of True Grasses and we are very gracious for this valuable support. Maybe this can be inspiration for you to consider how you could support the work of True Grasses in your own city.

TG Kilimanjaro Office

Since 2014 True Grasses has been operating at a home office. As it is an NGO requirement to have an outside office, True Grasses has acquired two rooms that will function as the True Grasses office on the MCF church compound. The rooms needed renovations before being able to enter and this was made possible through the gifts that True Grasses Foundation in the Netherlands, CBG and Anhart Foundation gave to True Grasses. The offices are located on Shirimatunda - Arusha Road in Moshi Town. Now all country activities will be carried from out here. 



My story: Anna Ruth

I came to Tanzania when I was seven years old, grew up right here on the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro and was raised in this beautiful country as a Missionary Kid. For 10 years I called Tanzania my home as it was physically my address and for many years after that I called Tanzania my home, as this was where my heart was. When I moved back to The Netherlands to pursue my university education and later work, I travelled several times back to various African countries visiting and volunteering. These journeys continued to pull me back to Africa.  

I served on international Christian ships for 4 ½ years and I always asked myself the question, where is it that God wants me to serve and live. I knew it was somewhere in the developing world and eventually came to the conclusion that my heart was in Africa and that it was there where I wanted to plant my roots. I asked God one question, why is it that I want to go back to East Africa, is it because I had such a good childhood and I want to go back to that. Or did I grow up in Tanzania, so that one day I could go back there? I finally came to the conclusion, that I was not chasing my childhood, but that East Africa was my future and God had been preparing me for that.

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