We arrived in Sungwi – Kisarawe early in the morning with a team of six masons (builders). The place was overgrown with tall Elephant grass. We divided ourselves in four groups, where one group was to outsource building materials, another group to clear the sight and have it ready for construction. The third group was to collect water and firewood and the fourth group was assigned the job of making a temporary shelter and to start cooking the food. By evening all groups had finished their duties, except the ones assigned to bring water and building materials, this was due to the unavailability of both water, sand and bricks in the neighborhood.

For materials we had to go as far as Masaki town or even Dar es Salaam city which is around 50 kms away. We worked hard each day and had a great time, having fun while getting the job done. Every evening, the builders joined the village youths to play football since it was the only activity that they could get involved in.

The group was really hard working as the building was ready within one week despite the fact that we faced challenges of getting water and building materials. The building is now awaiting roofing, installation of window and door shutters, cementing and plastering; then it will be ready for use. Our plan is, once this building is finished, to focus on having a brick making machine to make good quality bricks on site and hand digging a water well to cut down on the biggest costs.

Are you interested in pictures? You can have a look at them here.